The Key Learning statements are used by teachers to help to focus whole class teaching and are taught in the context of engaging and creative units of work. They help to ensure that pupils make progress as readers. Teachers ensure that skills are modelled and scaffolded and that pupils are given opportunities to apply them in a range of different contexts. Regular teaching of skills takes place through a combination of active, engaging shared reading, guided reading and a love of reading is encouraged during daily STAR time. (Sit Together And Read)
Texts used are high quality, interesting, engaging and texts from a wide range of genres and authors are read. Reading skills are regularly applied across the curriculum.
Below, you will find statements related to the age appropriate reading skills, knowledge and understanding for each year group.
These key learning documents are used to support pupils in becoming effective and reflective independent readers.
Key Learning in Reading Year 1
Key Learning in Reading Year 2
Key Learning in Reading Year 3
Key Learning in Reading Year 4
The Key Learning statements are used by teachers to help to focus whole class teaching and are taught in the context of engaging and creative units of work. They help to ensure that pupils make progress as readers. Teachers ensure that skills are modelled and scaffolded and that pupils are given opportunities to apply them in a range of different contexts. Regular teaching of skills takes place through a combination of active, engaging shared reading, guided reading and a love of reading is encouraged during daily STAR time. (Sit Together And Read)
Texts used are high quality, interesting, engaging and texts from a wide range of genres and authors are read. Reading skills are regularly applied across the curriculum.
Below, you will find statements related to the age appropriate reading skills, knowledge and understanding for each year group.
These key learning documents are used to support pupils in becoming effective and reflective independent readers.
Key Learning in Reading Year 1
Key Learning in Reading Year 2
Key Learning in Reading Year 3
Key Learning in Reading Year 4